Since 2016, the Indonesian Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Update (NUTRIMET) has been served its annual meetings to discuss the latest cutting edge scientific program designed to offer comprehensive national discussions that address current issues in Nutrition and Metabolic Disease that comprised distinguished presenters, both national and international.

With the support of The Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Working Group/Indonesian Pediatric Society, The Indonesian Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Update (NUTRIMET) has been long well-known as the Evidence-based science provider upon recently discovered information on nutrition and metabolic and its relationship to pediatric health.

By assembling physicians, nutritionists, pharmacists, dieticians and nursing staff, the Indonesian Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Update (NUTRIMET) is committed and continuing its busy work force to the development and advancement of health professionals in the art of science of nutrition and metabolic disease therapy in daily practice to educate the community and achieving optimal & effective outcome due to enhance the quality-of-care infants.


Being a reliable and strategic partner in Nutrition and Metabolic Disease in national and international levels, the Indonesian Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Update (NUTRIMET) is devoted to provide up-to-date scientific information on basic and clinical Nutritional and Metabolism. It focuses on the cutting-edge nutrition study and metabolism of pediatric nutrition and metabolic disease with ultimate goal of delivering improved children health outcomes and their implications on public health.


The dominant combination of yellowish orange and light green colors represent enthusiasm in the spirit of sharing to grow.


The Indonesian Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Update (NUTRIMET) provides

  • Clinically relevant and reliable information about clinical nutrition and metabolism, and the relationship between nutrition and disease both in the setting of clinical nutrition concepts and the process of nutritional care in clinical work.
  • Comprehensive online and offline leaning educations and course modules on clinical nutrition and metabolism, underlying complex and dynamic aspects in the fields.
  • The wider perspective and awareness about nutrition and metabolic clinical situations in daily practice to educate the community through the annual meetings.

Executive Team

Titis Prawitasari

Pediatricians Specialist and a Consultant for the Division of Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia. She has been involved in various courses and trainings in the field of nutrition and metabolic diseases, frequently conducts various research publications at the national and international levels. She is responsible in program management, which articulates a program’s strategy; objectives and assesses how it will develop the community. She defines and oversees scientific programs needed in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism as her role extends beyond the completion to the long term realization of the whole program.

Maria Fransisca Conny Tanjung

Pediatricians Specialist and a consultant in Nutrition and Metabolic Disease field -who is currently practiced at Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) Hospital, North Jakarta – Indonesia, whereas she’s renowned for her works in nutrition and metabolic disease. She received her PhD from Universitas Indonesia in 2016. She oversees the operations and coordinates within scientific programs to complete work within guidelines. With her tactical approaches, she focuses mainly on execution and manages the functional elements of scientific program and completing deliverables.